Past Events
Ambassador Dinner | 09.27.17Join other Med Arts Ambassadors at the Earle for an evening of planning and feedback about events that the program has in the works.
MAPAG Showcase | 10.03.17Come enjoy some amazing art and music performed and exhibited by your medical student colleagues!
GalleryDAAS Exhibition Tour & DinnerJoin us along with artist Chrislan Fuller Manuel as she leads us on a tour of her exhibition Legacy: Art Across Generations at GalleryDAAS. Discussion and a dinner at Sava's to follow.
Hands-On Workshop & Dinner: UMMA Matisse/Kelly DrawingsThe Medical Arts Program is partnering with UMMA to provide you with a unique, hands-on opportunity to explore the drawings of Henri Matisse! Dinner to follow.
Urban Bush Women's Hair & Other Stories | 1.12.18The Medical Arts Program together with the Office of Health, Equity and Inclusion invites you to attend a performance of Urban Bush Women's Hair & Other Stories, preceded by dinner and discussion with Jawole Zollar, founder of the group.
Gabriel Kahane's 8980: Book of Travelers | 2.2.18Join us for a performance of Gabriel Kahane's Book of Travelers followed by a discussion with artist, composer and vocalist Gabriel Kahane.
Painting Workshop with Dr. Lona Mody | 2.27.18Join us for an evening of painting with Michigan Medicine's own Dr. Lona Mody, followed by dinner at the Songbird Cafe.